Ad Hoc Grants

FACT provides up to $5,000 in ad hoc financial support to organizations that host statewide and local activities that improve the prevention, treatment, or public awareness of family violence. 

Requests for Proposals (RFPs):

  • The Board will only consider requests for activities that improve the prevention, treatment, or public awareness of family violence for Virginians and have a statewide or local impact.
  • Requests must be submitted in writing to FACT’s Executive Director,
  • Requests must be submitted no later than the dates outlined below. If requests are received following each quarterly submission deadline, they may be considered at the next, regularly scheduled board meeting.
    • February 28th for consideration at the March Board meeting
    • May 31st for consideration at the June Board meeting
    • August 31st for consideration at the September Board meeting
    • November 30th for consideration at the December Board meeting
  • Requests must be limited to no more than two pages and include the following information:
    • General Information on the overall activity including who the target audience will be, estimated number of people impacted and timeline for the activity
    • Amount of FACT funding requested to support the activity (not to exceed $5,000)
    • Information on how FACT funds will be used
  • Requests will be presented and voted on by the Board at a regularly scheduled or special board meeting.
  • Organizations submitting requests are eligible to receive no more than one ad hoc grant per Virginia state fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).
  • Materials associated with the activity must include the official FACT logo.
  • A FACT Ad Hoc Summary Report* and invoice must be completed and submitted within 30 days of completion of the activity.
  • Payment will be made via hard copy check issued by the Virginia Department of Treasury through the U.S. Postal Service after receipt of approved Ad Hoc Summary Report and Invoice by the Executive Director.

*Summary Report:

1. How many attended/participated in the activity?
2. What professions and/or nonprofessional groups were represented?
3. What topics were covered?
4. What impact did this funding have on this activity?
5. Please provide any evaluation summaries or reports collected for this event or activity


December 10th, 2024

Funding will be provided on a reimbursement basis upon approval of an invoice submitted within 30 days of completion of the awarded project.

Ad Hoc Policy can be found here.

Pursuant to Virginia Code § 2.2-4303 G and H, the Family and Children’s Trust Fund (FACT) hereby adopts the above small purchase procedures for grants awarded by FACT when the aggregate or the sum of all purchases of any contract or grant award is not expected to exceed $10,000.