Current FACT Grants
Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
FACT has hired a consultant to create a state plan, in partnership with the FACT Child Abuse & Neglect Advisory Committee, for the prevention of child sexual assault.
In addition to the state plan development, FACT will have ten awards available to Child Advocacy Centers (CACs) Prevention Programs to support best practices at the local level in preventing child sexual abuse.
Prevention of Abuse Against People with Disabilities
In Fiscal Year 2024, in partnership with the Virginia Department of Health, FACT supported Richmond Residential Services Inc. and The Arc of Harrisonburg and Rockingham to become Leadership for Empowerment and Abuse Prevention (LEAP) Certified Centers for Abuse Prevention and Safety (C-CAPS). Developed in collaboration between VCU’s School of Social Work and the Partnership for People with Disabilities, LEAP provides training on healthy relationships and information about preventing abuse to adults with disabilities. The training takes place in four face-to-face 90-minute sessions that are taught by a trainer with a disability and a co-trainer. The two organizations had two staff members and two individuals with disabilities who utilize their services become LEAP trainers. These trainers will continue to facilitate two LEAP trainings a year and create an organizational culture of empowerment and abuse prevention.
For Fiscal Year 2025, in partnership with The Arc of Virginia, FACT has allocated funding to help expand the LEAP Program to Roanoke and Hampton Roads over the next two years. Both sites will employ part-time staff dedicated to the LEAP Project with support from the Partnership for People with Disabilities.
Problematic Sexual Behavior Project
FACT has allocated funding for Phase II of the Problematic Sexual Behavior (PSB) Project. You can find more about Phase I of the PSB Project here. Throughout the first year of Phase II, our contractor will work in collaboration with the FACT PSB Advisory Workgroup to develop a 3-day Train the Trainer curriculum and a toolkit for Multi-Disciplinary Teams (MDT) who respond to these cases locally. This curriculum will be based on the guidance document developed during Phase I.
During the second year of Phase II, three pilot communities will be selected to receive the train-the-trainer program by four MDT members. Each training will be conducted by 2-3 professional trainers from different professional backgrounds and have 12 attendees. Attendees will learn best practice responses, skills for implementation, as well as how to present the community response to PSB material to their community.
Emergency Funds Project
The FACT Board of Trustees understands the interconnection of poverty and trauma and how it is more important than ever to support families in whatever way possible. That is why they established the FACT Emergency Fund. FACT recognizes that there has been substantial financial support provided by the federal government to states and localities to meet some of these needs, however those funds are restricted to specific issues like housing and food. More information about the Emergency Funds Project can be found here.
Previous FACT Grants
In the past FACT has given direct service grants and systems/community change grants. Summaries of past projects can be found below. This includes programs that offer supports such as parenting education classes, shelter services, outreach and counseling services, services for children exposed to domestic violence, family violence fatality teams, child visitation centers, volunteer court advocacy programs, and elderly support services.