This indicator reflects the combined number of arrests of adults that law enforcement officials made for drug- and alcohol-related offenses—including arrests for driving under the influence, drunkenness, liquor law violations, drug/narcotic violations, and drug equipment violations, as captured in the Incident Based Crime Reporting Repository System.
Source: Criminal Justice Research Center, Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services
*Data maps show the most recent year of data available.
Alcohol-related arrests include driving under the influence, drunkenness, and liquor law violations. Drug-related arrests are arrests for drug/narcotics violations or drug equipment violations. These are unduplicated arrest counts in which the most serious offense leading to an arrest is the only one reported.
Bedford City was reincorporated into Bedford County in 2013. Bedford City will show as NA or blank from 2014 on and that data will now be captured under Bedford County.
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Data Last Updated: June 1, 2022