Family Violence Indicator: Arrests of Adults for Non-sexual Violent Offenses against a Family -Member

This indicator reflects the number of adult arrests made by law enforcement officials for non-sexual violent offenses—including kidnapping/abduction, robbery, aggravated assault, simple assault, and intimidation—perpetrated against a family member, as captured in the Incident Based Crime Reporting Repository System.

Source: Criminal Justice Research Center, Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services

*Data maps show the most recent year of data available.


FIV (Family-Intimate Violent Arrests) – FIV arrests are defined as arrests for non-sexual violent offenses in criminal incidents where non-sexual violence was reported to have occurred between family members and/or intimates. Non-sexual violent offenses are defined here as kidnapping/abduction, robbery, aggravated assault, simple assault, and intimidation.

Bedford City was reincorporated into Bedford County in 2013. Bedford City will show as NA or blank from 2014 on and that data will now be captured under Bedford County.

Additional information about indicator data and data limitations can be found at:

Data Last Updated: June 1, 2022