This indicator reflects the number of arrests made for violation of an active protective order, as recorded in the Central Criminal Records Exchange.
Source: Criminal Justice Information Services Division, Virginia State Police
*Data maps show the most recent year of data available.
These data reflect the number of arrests made for violation of an active protective order, which is a legal restraint limiting an individual from interaction with another person and/ or premises. Protective orders can also prohibit criminal offenses as outlined in § 19.2-152.10(A)1 of the Code of Virginia, and other conditions as the judge or magistrate deems necessary as outlined in §19.2-152.8(B)2 or § 19.2-152.9(A)3 of the Code of Virginia. All types of protective orders—emergency, preliminary, and final—are captured in the data.
Bedford City was reincorporated into Bedford County in 2013. Bedford City will show as NA or blank from 2014 on and that data will now be captured under Bedford County.
Additional information about indicator data and data limitations can be found at:
Data Last Updated: February 16, 2023