Octoberis Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for more information about resources and events focused on this topic.
Family Violence Prevention, Treatment and Public Awareness RFPs will be announced in December 2015. Stay tuned for upcoming details about the programs and projects FACT will fund for the 2016-2017 cycle.
Thank you for joining FACT as we initiate our newsletter and accompanying social media outreach tools. It is our hope that these new platforms will allow for the sharing of resources and information across the Commonwealth of Virginia around the topic of family violence.
In the Spotlight
FACT has been working hard to make additional information available to the field online and through social media. Our newResearch and Data Portal links to family violence resources and makes FACT’s existing publications and tools more accessible. Specific features are highlighted below.
The Resource Corner
ACEs Too Highis a news site that reports on research about adverse childhood experiences.
Virginia Centers Against Violence is a page dedicated to centers in Virginia that serve survivors of sexual and domestic violence, stalking, harassment, and trafficking.
Who We Are:
The Family and Children’s Trust Fund (FACT) was created by the General Assembly in 1986 as a public-private partnership to raise funds for the prevention and treatment of family violence. This includes child abuse and neglect, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. FACT is governed by a Board of Trustees, appointed by the Governor, to raise and distribute funds for family violence prevention and treatment efforts, as well as promote public awareness of family violence issues across the Commonwealth.
Join Us:
Subscribe or follow us online. We also welcome information for possible inclusion in our newsletter or social media.
The Family and Children’s Trust Fund of Virginia (FACT)
801 E. Main Street, 15th Floor – Richmond, Virginia 23219-2901
Phone: 804.726.7604 | Fax: 804.726.7088 | Email: familyandchildrens.trustfund@dss.virginia.gov